Statement from Annual Report 2019-20

Since March of 2020 we have had to work around the well-known and much-lamented challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to all of us. As our projects are all public facing, we have had to pause them for now until it is safe to resume. In the meantime, plans are being made for how we will return with our strongest line-up of activities ever as we continue to promote the conservation, protection and improvement of the natural environment and the prudent use of natural resources for the benefit of the public of Bournemouth and environs.

Since becoming a Charity (Charitable Incorporated Organisation – CIO) in May 2019, Transition Bournemouth, run by seven Trustees and a group of dedicated volunteers, has continued to act upon our guiding principles through the suite of projects we offer in the BH area. We have pivoted our monthly meetings to be less operations-focussed and more welcoming to members of the general public, and although recently we have had to move these meetings online we have been able to reach more people than before and start some great conversations around subjects that are in line our aims and objectives.

Pete Allen, Chair of Trustees

Read the full Transition Bournemouth Annual Report 2019-20:

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